Happy Valley PTA online school directory is the easiest way to find contact information for fellow classmates! You can access it through the Membership Toolkit program online or with the app! Make sure to sign up or login to access/update your online directory.
To Register:
Go to the Directory. Click on the Register/Login button.
If you already have an account from last year, you can use the same email and password to login. You can then proceed to the numbered steps below to publish your selected information.
Select "Create Account" and fill in the name, email, and password information.
Click "verify my email" and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in two hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process.
Complete the Parent/Family and Student Information.
Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences.
Once the Primary Account is setup, the Primary User can "invite" other email addresses to access his/her account. This allows the Secondary User to have their own login information, but still have access to the family account.
Questions? Please contact vicepresident@happyvalleypta.com.